Friday 23 April 2010

dizzy rascals

- a point to whoever can identify the pun in the title.

Yesterday was rather pleasant; it was my first 'day off' from the deranged rota I've been working lately, and I believe my intentions to make the most of it were justified. The first point of action was to catch up on sleep; I turned my alarm off and didn't get out of bed until 12.15.

Mum and bro were milling around downstairs when I woke, and I was invited to accompany them on the day's escapades. After a quick mental rearrangement of my plans for the day I agreed to go, and made myself presentable before we left. Mum is feeling a bit under the weather at the moment, so we took bro to a semi-local play area to exhaust himself; it's one of the big foamy contraptions with ballpits, slides and similar distractions. I was slightly jealous of him really, I miss being able to run around like a maniac in those places...

While he was charging about and jumping around, me and Mum spoke about stuff, ranging from family affairs, my living arrangements later in the year, and my financial situation. I felt very sophisticated, but still envied bro in the playpen; Mum picked up on this and called him out, instructing him to show me the slide. I had to accept of course, he needed "adult supervision" in there; it wasn't an excuse for me to have fun at all *shifty eyes*.

I felt a bit old going on the slide though, it made me feel dizzy...

Anyway, next on the agenda was to have a 'cuppa' at Mama's house. We drove there, then waited for a while for Mama and co to arrive, then went in. I had Green Tea infused with Ginseng and Raspberry for aforementioned cuppa. The kids were playing in the garden while the grown ups (me included) sat in the living room chatting. It was nice.

On the way home we went to Lidl to pick up some salad, a snack, and unexpectedly, a watch. I've been looking for one for a while but haven't been able to find one I like (black 'leather' strap, analogue, no roman numerals on the face, face a sensible size) until now. It cost me all of £6, and I'm very pleased with it:

The rest of the evening was spent catching up on a backlog of note-taking work, playing Rollercoaster Tycoon 3, eating dinner and watching House.

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